Consulting and workshops

Upcoming live workshops

Introduction to R for Data Analysis

Learn the basics of the R programming language and the tidyverse. Beginner-friendly!

Date: January 15-16, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm PST

Registration: Register via Instats

On-demand (pre-recorded) workshops

Python for R Users

An introduction to Python from an R user’s perspective.

Registration: Register via Instats


I am available for consulting for a wide range of projects and I regularly teach multi-day workshops for small and large groups.

The kinds of topics I love teaching include programming skills such as:

  • R

  • Python

  • SQL

  • Git/GitHub

  • Shell/UNIX

As well as more general data science skills including:

  • Data cleaning

  • Data visualization

  • Data science workflows

Feel free to get in touch via email at rlbarter at gmail dot com!